On October 07, 2018 saw the visit of Dr. Kirsten Dyck and John Lillegard, representatives of one of the most authoritative volunteer organizations in the world – Peace Corps.


The visitors reviewed permanent exhibition of the Holocaust Museum. The volunteers from the United States were interested in materials of “Tkuma” Institute Holocaust mobile exhibition (in English and Ukrainian), as well as educational and methodological literature devoted to the history of the Holocaust. During the visit, the prospects of cooperation of “Tkuma” Institute with the Peace Corps volunteers were discussed. Among the forthcoming plans – the presentation of mobile exhibitions in a number of schools in the Western regions of Ukraine, as well as seminar for volunteers on Holocaust teaching methods for students and students.

The Peace Corps is a government agency in the United States, created on the initiative of the senator and future US President George F. Kennedy in 1960 - 1961. To date, 342 representatives of this organization serve in Ukraine. Among main directions of work:

- promoting the learning of English as a language of international communication;

- economic development of local communities (cultural and social sector);

- youth development.