Освітні проекти
"Tkuma" Institute has experience in organization and conduction of educational events for school and university students, school teachers. In cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, regional institutes of advanced teacher training, "Tkuma" Institute organized special system of seminars for improvement of teachers' skills.
"Tkuma" Institute has unique experience in creating textbooks. School History textbooks created by "Tkuma" Institute won All-Ukrainian State Contests and were released in hundreds of thousands of copies.
"Tkuma" Institute effectively cooperates with regional office of Junior Academy of Sciences. On the base of "Tkuma" Institute winter and summer sessions of JAS are conducted. During this events school students have an opportunity to work with the Holocaust museum holdings, consult the Institute and Museum research associates and meet famous Ukrainian and foreign scholars.
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On November 10 Dr Igor Shchupak, "Tkuma" Institute and the Holocaust Museum Director, met the Jewish youth of Dnipropetrovsk - the members of Hillel youth organization .
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On November 3, 2015 "Tkuma" Institute conducted the seminar for History teachers of Petrykivsky District of Dnipropetrovsk region. Dr Igor Shchupak, "Tkuma" Institute and Museum Director, held session devoted to methods of teaching history, including World War II and the Holocaust history, during today's war against Ukraine. New textbook on the history of the Middle Ages for seventh form pupils and multimedia version of the World History textbook for eleventh form pupils were presented.
The program of the event included guided tour around Museum "Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine" conducted by Dilfuza Hlushchenko, Head of Research Department. She drew attantion to the educational potential of exhibitions and shared "Tkuma" Institute idead in the sphere of museum lessons.
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November 4, 2015 pupils of 9-11 forms of school# 132 (Dnipropetrovsk) became the participants of Mobile Exhibitions Project of "Tkuma" Institute.
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On October 29, regular pedagogical seminar, organized by "Tkuma" Institute and Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Advances Teacher Training, was conducted. Teachers of Dnipropetrovsk secondary schools became the participants of the event.
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On October 20-27 on the base of Yad Vashem International School (Israel) International Seminar on the Holocaust History for Ukrainian Educators was conducted. Participants had a opportunity to communicate not only with Yad Vashem School staff, but also with well-known Israeli scholars. Among the lecturers there were Dr Aharon Weiss, Dr Ilya Lurie, Dr Shimon Redlich, Dr Aron Shneyer, Dr Mordechai Yushkovsky та інші.
Read more: International Seminar on the Holocaust History for Ukrainian Educators