Освітні проекти
"Tkuma" Institute has experience in organization and conduction of educational events for school and university students, school teachers. In cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, regional institutes of advanced teacher training, "Tkuma" Institute organized special system of seminars for improvement of teachers' skills.
"Tkuma" Institute has unique experience in creating textbooks. School History textbooks created by "Tkuma" Institute won All-Ukrainian State Contests and were released in hundreds of thousands of copies.
"Tkuma" Institute effectively cooperates with regional office of Junior Academy of Sciences. On the base of "Tkuma" Institute winter and summer sessions of JAS are conducted. During this events school students have an opportunity to work with the Holocaust museum holdings, consult the Institute and Museum research associates and meet famous Ukrainian and foreign scholars.
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On September 15, another webinar of “Tkuma” Institute and “Orion” Publishing House on “Fifth grade and the New Ukrainian School: “Ukraine and the world: an integrated course”” was held.
The speakers of the online event for teachers were:
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On September 07, another webinar of “Tkuma” Institute and “Orion” Publishing House was held for educators. Topic of the event was “The fifth grade and New Ukrainian School are with us: how to teach history according to new programs and textbooks”.
The following issues were discussed during the webinar:
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30 серпня у форматі онлайн відбулись освітні дебати «Сучасні тенденції підвищення якості освіти», організовані Центром професійного розвитку педагогічних працівників Відділу освіти, молоді, фізичної культури і спорту Макарівської селищної ради (Бучанський р-н, Київська обл.). Виступити з доповіддю для вчителів історії та правознавства було запрошено д-ра Ігоря Щупака.
Read more: Освітні дебати «Сучасні тенденції підвищення якості освіти»
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On August 30, educational debates “Modern trends in improving the quality of education”, organized by the Center for Professional Development of Pedagogical Workers of the Department of Education, Youth, Physical Culture and Sports of the Makariv Settlement Council (Buchansky District, Kyiv Region) was held in online format. Dr. Igor Shchupak was invited to hold a lecture.
Read more: Educational debates “Modern trends in improving the quality of education”
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On August 15-17, an online seminar for Ukrainian educators “Pearls of Yiddish Culture” was held, organized by the International Center for Yiddish Language and Culture at the World Jewish Congress and “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies. The participants of the educational program were history teachers and methodologists, teachers of universities from different regions of Ukraine.
Read more: Seminar for Ukrainian educators “Pearls of Yiddish culture”