On December 2, students of the Dnipropetrovsk branch of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine visited Zaporizhzhia as part of the historical and local lore expedition “Multicultural dialogue in the modern Ukrainian city.” The event was held as a part of a comprehensive educational project implemented by “Tkuma” Institute, Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” with the support of the Kulturna Stolytsia program.
The purpose of the expedition was to acquaint students with the history of Zaporizhzhia, study the history of its origin and existence, study the coexistence of different ethnic groups and religions in the city, as well as interest in multicultural, spiritual heritage of its people.
During the expedition, the participants visited the island of Khortytsia, the historical and cultural complex “Zaporizhzhia Sich” and key attractions of Zaporizhzhia, related to the life of various national groups of the city – Ukrainians, Germans, Jews.
Expeditions to Poltava and Kamyanske will be waiting for the participants ahead.