During January 23-25, “Tkuma” Institute held several educational events in Lviv dedicated to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Among them are “Marathons of Living” for students of the Lviv Polygraphic College of the Ukrainian Academy of Printing.
The lesson “Holocaust memorial sites on the map of Lviv” for first-year college students was conducted by the head of educational projects of “Tkuma” Institute, Iryna Piskaryova. During the educational event, the listeners had the opportunity to learn about the existence of the ghetto in Lviv during Nazi rule, about the functioning of the shoe factory “Solid”, where during the Holocaust, the monks of the Studio Statute hid Jews, as well as about the memorial sites where the memory is commemorated today about the victims of the Catastrophe. Particular attention was paid to the human dimension of the tragedy of the Holocaust – in particular, the fate of Yanina Geshelis, who survived the Holocaust as a 12-year-old girl in Lviv, as well as Abbess Olena Viter, who was recognized as the Righteous Among the Nations.
Finally, the listeners watched a cartoon created by college students based on the book “The Girl in the Green Sweater” by Christina Higer and Daniel Peisner.