On August 6-9, the regular summer studies for teachers of “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies took place. Almost ten years ago, the head of educational programs of the "Tkuma" Institute, Iryna Piskaryova, and the director of the Institute, Dr. Igor Shchupak, conceived and implemented the idea of a unique project of an informal meeting of active teachers, lecturers, and scientists. Meetings not limited to the framework of traditional seminars, academic and practical conferences, but filled with communication and live and direct exchange of ideas, discussion of experience and planning of joint projects in the future. In the summer of 2016, the first Summer Studios took place in Lutsk and, as it turned out, became one of the most successful projects for the formation of an informal network of like-minded teachers.
This year's seventh Summer Studies, the participants of which were teachers from 14 regions of our country, was hospitably hosted by one of the most picturesque cities of Ukraine – Vinnytsia. When we talk about a city, it is not only about architecture, parks or climate, but above all about the people who live and work in it and ultimately define its image, which goes far beyond the city blocks. In the case of Vinnytsia, one cannot fail to mention Dr. Faina Vynokurova, a brilliant scientist, public figure, deputy director of the State Archive of the Vinnytsia region. F. Vynokurova has been researching various aspects of the history of the Holocaust in Podillya for many years. In particular, she made an extremely large contribution to the research and dissemination of knowledge about the once little-known tragedy of the Jews on the territory of the Romanian occupation zone, made known the general history of Jewish resistance to Nazism on the territory of Vinnytsia, and most importantly – brought back from oblivion thousands of names of participants in the horrifying events of the Holocaust in Ukraine.
At the Summer Studies, Dr. F. Vynokurova made several speeches and presentations, which had important practical significance for those present, because it was about specific applied aspects of the work – the potential and methodology of working with archival sources from the history of genocides, the Nazi occupation regime in general; the importance of teacher-scholar dialogue with the public through mass media and many other elements of what forms the field of public history. As part of the live dialogue, all participants were greatly impressed by the demonstration of the documentary film “We Let You Die”, dedicated to the Pechora camp – one of the hellish (but still little-known) symbols of the Holocaust in Transnistria. The author of the idea, the director of the film is the talented Israeli documentary filmmaker Boris Maftsir. It was he who, during the screening at this year's Summer Studios, directly presented the film and emphasized the relevance of its subject for the citizens of Ukraine and Israel under the conditions of a full-scale aggressive war against these countries.
The echo of the tragedy is extremely sharp. This, as well as the relevance of the lessons of the Holocaust, the Holodomor, the deportation of the Crimea and other genocides for the understanding of today's events, was discussed during the lecture by Dr. Igor Shchupak “The Holocaust and other genocides as history lessons and history in school lessons.” How does the past define our present? Why is an up-to-date view of the events of the past important and what is the practical significance of this knowledge for the present? This is an incomplete list of theses that were discussed during the lecture. And a dialogue about new programs, textbooks and limits (or rather their absence) in the work of the Teacher.
Summer studies of “Tkuma” Institute are not only lectures and presentations, but also an opportunity for participants to see important historical sites with their own eyes, visit interesting cultural and scientific institutions. This time, everyone was able to see the dimension of the cultural heritage of the Jews of Podilia and Vinnytsia during the practical session “Secrets of Vinnytsia Jerusalem: a journey through time”, visits to the Vinnytsia Museum of Local History, where right now every visitor can get acquainted with the unique cultural project of the multinational initiative “UJE” (Ukrainian-Jewish Encounter) (Canada-Ukraine) – “JOURNEY WITH THE “UKRAINIAN-JEWISH ENCOUNTER” FROM ANCIENT TIMES TO 1939.” This international art event highlights the thousand-year experience of coexistence, cooperation and solidarity of Ukrainians and Jews of Ukraine.
Presentations of the experiences of its participants are an integral part of Summer Studies. Not having the opportunity to tell in detail about all of them (believe me, each of them deserves attention), I will stop at only one. Nataliya Diordiyeva, a history teacher at the Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic Lyceum No. 99 (Zaporizhzhia), spoke about the fate of one of her students, Oleksandr Demenko, who in high school took part in museum lessons at “Tkuma” Institute. From the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, Oleksandr was among the defenders of Mariupol; repeatedly wounded, he was taken prisoner, in which he spent 20 long months. Reflections on the fate of the boy, the experience of communication, about the traumatic events of the war and captivity were the subject of a long and partly emotional communication of the participants. However, the main thing was that everyone was aware of the importance of the teacher's mission and his work for shaping the image and path to our common future in a united, independent Ukraine.
Each Summer Studies deserves a long and detailed description. Maybe someday it will happen. In conclusion, I would like to note that the work continues, and very soon the final of the INTERNATIONAL CREATIVE WORKS CONTEST “LESSONS OF WAR AND HOLOCAUST – LESSONS OF TOLERANCE” awaits us. The Contest, which is organized jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and every year gives gifted pupils, students and teachers the opportunity to realize their creative potential and join a network of like-minded people. So, see you soon!
Dr. Yehor Vradii, “Tkuma” Institute deputy director for scientific work