“Tkuma” Institute and the Holocaust Museum Research Associates Iegor Vradii and Denys Shatalov visited Kyiv museums. The trip was organized within the development of museum and mobile exhibitions dedicated to Roma genocide during World War II. The aim of the visit was to get acquainted with experience of Kyiv museums in demonstration of this issue in museum exhibitions.
Oleksandr Pasternak and Svitlana Dotsenko, National Museum of History of Ukraine in World War II Research Associates, presented their achievements in covering this topic. Special exhibition “Deadly Way” was developed for the 75th anniversary of Babyn Yar tragedy. The exhibition includes also the information about killings of representatives of the Roma people by Nazis. The genocide of Roma is also represented in the main museum exhibition, due to the complex of belongings of the Pidhurskys and story of their life.
Another museum that covers the issue of tragedy of Roma people is Kyiv History Museum. Currently it is hosting exhibition “Babyn Yar – Memory on the Background of History”, which among other issues tells us about the tragic fate of the Roma killed by the Nazis in September 1941.
The symbolic story of the tragedy of the Roma during the war is presented in the space of the National Historical Memorial Preserve “Babyn Yar”, where recently kibitka – as a memorial for Roma victims of Nazi extermination policy – has been installed.
“Tkuma” Institute and the Holocaust Museum Research Associates were pleasantly surprised by the level of quality of exhibitions prepared by their Kyiv colleagues – both in terms of artistic design and content.